ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

2023 Sustainability Report

Sustainability Policy

Continuously contribute to the satisfaction and well-being of our employees and their families, tenants, investors, business partners and communities in the regions where we are present, by leasing reliable, sustainable, resilient and high-quality real estate properties, based on: respect for human dignity, professional and personal development of our employees, continuous improvement in the performance of our activities, mitigation of the environmental impact of our assets and balance in the economic, social and environmental resources, preserving them for future generations.

UN Global Compact

Fibra MTY participates in the UN Global Compact.

The United Nations Global Compact is a non-binding international alliance of companies and organizations that encourages the adoption of its Ten Principles in the areas of:

• Human Rights
• Labour
• Environment
• Anti-Corruption

Read our Communication on Progress here

Climate Change Strategy

Climate change and the strategy to face it are relevant topics to ensure business continuity over the long term.

To enhance the focus on climate change risks and opportunities, to properly incorporate the potential impacts of risks in our planning processes, as well as the timely development of relevant adaptation measures, Fibra Mty advances in its resilience and climate change strategy based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), to integrate:

  • Identification of physical, social and transitional risks due to climate change.
  • The evaluation of the level of vulnerability of our properties to such risks.
  • Actions for the prevention, mitigation and response to each of the identified risks.

Environmental Performance

Arc Performance Certificates

Arc's Performance score use operational data from a consecutive 12-month period to provide a score against a global sample of green buildings, referred to as the "Reference Set." This means that a high Arc Performance Score corresponds to an overall performance level comparable to that of the world's best green buildings. Conversely, a low score means that a project underperforms other projects of comparable size and occupancy.

Each certificate provides a new, incremental way to recognize leadership in buildings, offering a numerical score from 0 to 100 for an Arc performance category: energy, water, waste, transportation, or human experience.

The score from 0 to 100 is supported by key performance indicators (KPIs) for the category. For example, the energy certificate provides KPIs for site and source energy intensity, total greenhouse gas emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions intensity.

Arc Energy Performace Certificates
Since 2023, 60 of Fibra Mty´s properties, representing 947,723.91 m2 (57.35% of the ABR) have an Arc Energy Performance Certificate with an average performance of 86.48/100 points.

Arc Water Performance Certificates
Since 2023, 58 of Fibra Mty´s properties, representing 954,690.33 m2 (57.77% of the ABR) have an Arc Water Performance Certificate with an average performance of 81.50/100 points.

Download our 2020 Sustainability Report

Download our 2021 Sustainability Report

Download our 2022 Sustainability Report

Download our 2023 Sustainability Report

Certifications and Awards

As of December 31, 2023, Fibra Mty has 19 LEED certified buildings comprising 10 LEED O+M (Operations and Maintenance) certified office buildings and one commercial building, as well as 8 LEED Core & Shell certified industrial buildings. Details on each certified building are available at

By successfully obtaining this green certification issued by the Green Business Certification Inc (GBCI) and promoted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, Fibra Mty becomes the first FIBRA in Mexico to achieve such certification for the company's corporate headquarters.

The certificate is available at Fibra MTY Offices - EDGE Buildings (

In recognition of the promotion of collaborative actions focused on energy efficiency, operating cost savings, air quality and buildings sustainability, the Institute for Market Transformation and the Better Buildings Alliance of the United States Department of Energy awarded Fibra Mty the Green Lease Leaders silver level distinction in 2022, as well as the gold level in its 2023 renewal, valid for three years.

The certificate is available at Leaders - Green Lease Leaders